i decided to put up a photooooo!! :D muahaha (:
woots! (:
for a second time in my life..
it's a really interesting experience to have every once in a while (: terrific (: makes you feel good as well, knowing that you're saving lives. moreover, it's good for your body when your body iz forced to regenerate newer and more RBCs! (: i tink :p
so yeah (:
if you've never donated blood before, try it this year! (:
if you're afraid of needles, it's a good way to rid of that fear and at the same time, do smth good! (: tip: juz dun look at the needle and ask the nurse to not count down to when she's gonna poke the needle in (:
if you're donating in singapore, you get to keep that squeeze ball thing that comes in different shapes and sizes that are really cute :p where i got my first santa claus :p
happy that i lost weight too! (:
so prove you wrong to whom that says that going overseas means gaining weight! (: muaha! :D
*throbs @06:02 <3
There .
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